

  • Console 1.x series is based on Web3SDK implementation, after console 2.6+ is based on Java SDK implementation, this tutorial is aimed at 2.6 and above version console, for 1.x version console usage documentation please refer to here

  • You can view the current console version through the command ./ --version

console is an important interactive client tool of FISCO BCOS 2.0. It establishes a connection with blockchain node through Java SDK to request read and write access for blockchain node data. Console has a wealth of commands, including blockchain status inquiry, blockchain nodes management, contracts deployment and calling. In addition, console provides a contract compilation tool that allows users to easily and quickly compile Solidity contract files into Java contract files.

Console command

Console command consists of two parts, the instructions and the parameters related to the instruction:

  • Instruction: instruction is an executed operation command, including blockchain status inquiry and contracts deployment and calling. And some of the instructions call the JSON-RPC interface, so they have same name as the JSON-RPC interface. Use suggestions: instructions can be completed using the tab key, and support for displaying historical input commands by pressing the up and down keys.

  • Parameters related to the instruction: parameters required by instruction call interface. Instructions to parameters and parameters to parameters are separated by spaces. The parameters name same as JSON-RPC interface and the explanation of getting information field can be referred to JSON-RPC API.

Shortcut key

  • Ctrl+A: move cursor to the beginning of line

  • Ctrl+D: exit console

  • Ctrl+E: move cursor to the end of line

  • Ctrl+R: search for the history commands have been entered

  • ↑: browse history commands forward

  • ↓: browse history commands backward

Console response

When a console command is launched, the console will obtain the result of the command execution and displays the result at the terminal. The execution result is divided into two categories:

  • True: The command returns to the true execution result as a string or json.

  • False: The command returns to the false execution result as a string or json.

    • When console command call the JSON-RPC interface, error code reference here.

    • When console command call the Precompiled Service interface, error code reference here.

Console configuration and operation


Precondition:to build FISCO BCOS blockchain, please refer to Building Chain Script or Enterprise Tools.

Get console

$ cd ~ && mkdir fisco && cd fisco
# get console
$ curl -#LO && bash


  • If the script cannot be downloaded for a long time due to network problems, try curl -#LO && bash

The directory structure is as follows:

|-- apps # console jar package directory
|   -- console.jar
|-- lib # related dependent jar package directory
|-- conf
│   ├── config-example.toml # configuration file   ├── group-generate-config.toml # group generation configuration file, please refer to command genrateGroupFromFile for details   └── # log configuration file
|-- contracts # directory where contract locates
|   -- solidity  # directory where solidity contract locates
|       -- HelloWorld.sol # normal contract: HelloWorld contract, is deployable and callable
|       -- TableTest.sol # the contracts by using CRUD interface: TableTest contract, is deployable and callable
|       -- Table.sol # CRUD interfac contract
|   -- console  # The file directory of contract abi, bin, java compiled when console deploys the contract
|   -- sdk      # The file directory of contract abi, bin, java compiled by script
|-- # console start script
|-- # account generate script
|-- # development tool script for compiling solidity contract file as java contract file
|-- # a script for replacing the compiling jar package

Configure console

  • Blockchain node and certificate configuration:

    • To copy the ca.crt, sdk.crt, and sdk.key files in the sdk node directory to the conf directory.

    • To rename the config-example.toml file in the conf directory to the config.toml file. To configure the config.toml file, where the remark content is modified according to the blockchain node configuration. **Hint: If the channel_listen_ip(If the node version is earlier than v2.3.0, check the configuration item listen_ip) set through chain building is or and the channel_port is 20200, the config.toml configuration is not modified. **


certPath = "conf"                           # The certification path  

# The following configurations take the certPath by default if commented
# caCert = "conf/ca.crt"                    # CA cert file path
                                            # If connect to the GM node, default CA cert path is ${certPath}/gm/gmca.crt

# sslCert = "conf/sdk.crt"                  # SSL cert file path
                                            # If connect to the GM node, the default SDK cert path is ${certPath}/gm/gmsdk.crt

# sslKey = "conf/sdk.key"                   # SSL key file path
                                            # If connect to the GM node, the default SDK privateKey path is ${certPath}/gm/gmsdk.key

# enSslCert = "conf/gm/gmensdk.crt"         # GM encryption cert file path
                                            # default load the GM SSL encryption cert from ${certPath}/gm/gmensdk.crt

# enSslKey = "conf/gm/gmensdk.key"          # GM ssl cert file path
                                            # default load the GM SSL encryption privateKey from ${certPath}/gm/gmensdk.key

peers=["", ""]    # The peer list to connect

# Configure a private topic as a topic message sender.
# [[amop]]
# topicName = "PrivateTopic1"
# publicKeys = [ "conf/amop/consumer_public_key_1.pem" ]    # Public keys of the nodes that you want to send AMOP message of this topic to.

# Configure a private topic as a topic subscriber.
# [[amop]]
# topicName = "PrivateTopic2"
# privateKey = "conf/amop/consumer_private_key.p12"         # Your private key that used to subscriber verification.
# password = "123456"

keyStoreDir = "account"         # The directory to load/store the account file, default is "account"
# accountFilePath = ""          # The account file path (default load from the path specified by the keyStoreDir)
accountFileFormat = "pem"       # The storage format of account file (Default is "pem", "p12" as an option)

# accountAddress = ""           # The transactions sending account address
                                # Default is a randomly generated account
                                # The randomly generated account is stored in the path specified by the keyStoreDir

# password = ""                 # The password used to load the account file

# channelProcessorThreadSize = "16"         # The size of the thread pool to process channel callback
                                            # Default is the number of cpu cores

# receiptProcessorThreadSize = "16"         # The size of the thread pool to process transaction receipt notification
                                            # Default is the number of cpu cores

maxBlockingQueueSize = "102400"             # The max blocking queue size of the thread pool

Configuration detail reference here.


Console configuration instructions

When the console configuration file configures multiple node connections in a group, some nodes in the group may leave the group during operation. Therefore, it shows a norm which is when the console is polling, the return information may be inconsistent. It is recommended to configure a node or ensure that the configured nodes are always in the group when using the console, so that the inquired information in the group will keep consistent during the synchronization time.

Contract compilation tool

Console provides a special compilation contract tool that allows developers to compile Solidity contract files into Java contract files. Two steps for using the tool:

  • To place the Solidity contract file in the contracts/solidity directory.

  • Complete the task of compiling contract by running the script (requires specifying a java package name). For example, there are HelloWorld.sol, TableTest.sol, and Table.sol contracts in the contracts/solidity directory, and we specify the package name as The command is as follows:

    $ cd ~/fisco/console
    $ ./

After running successfully, the directories of Java, ABI and bin will be generated in the console/contracts/sdk directory as shown below.

|-- abi # to compile the generated abi directory and to store the abi file compiled by solidity contract
|   |-- HelloWorld.abi
|   |-- Table.abi
|   |-- TableTest.abi
|-- bin # to compile the generated bin directory and to store the bin file compiled by solidity contract
|   |-- HelloWorld.bin
|   |-- Table.bin
|   |-- TableTest.bin
|-- java  # to store compiled package path and Java contract file
|   |-- org
|       |-- com
|           |-- fisco
|               |-- # the target Java file which is compiled successfully
|               |--  # the CRUD interface Java file which is compiled successfully
|               |--  # the TableTest Java file which is compiled successfully

In the java directory, org/com/fisco/ package path directory is generated. In the package path directory, the java contract files, and will be generated. and are the java contract files required by the java application.

Launch console

Start the console while the node is running:

$ ./
# To output the following information to indicate successful launch
Welcome to FISCO BCOS console(2.0.0)!
Type 'help' or 'h' for help. Type 'quit' or 'q' to quit console.
 ________ ______  ______   ______   ______       _______   ______   ______   ______
|        |      \/      \ /      \ /      \     |       \ /      \ /      \ /      \
| $$$$$$$$\$$$$$|  $$$$$$|  $$$$$$|  $$$$$$\    | $$$$$$$|  $$$$$$|  $$$$$$|  $$$$$$\
| $$__     | $$ | $$___\$| $$   \$| $$  | $$    | $$__/ $| $$   \$| $$  | $| $$___\$$
| $$  \    | $$  \$$    \| $$     | $$  | $$    | $$    $| $$     | $$  | $$\$$    \
| $$$$$    | $$  _\$$$$$$| $$   __| $$  | $$    | $$$$$$$| $$   __| $$  | $$_\$$$$$$\
| $$      _| $$_|  \__| $| $$__/  | $$__/ $$    | $$__/ $| $$__/  | $$__/ $|  \__| $$
| $$     |   $$ \\$$    $$\$$    $$\$$    $$    | $$    $$\$$    $$\$$    $$\$$    $$
 \$$      \$$$$$$ \$$$$$$  \$$$$$$  \$$$$$$      \$$$$$$$  \$$$$$$  \$$$$$$  \$$$$$$


Launch script description

To view the current console version:

./ --version
console version: 2.0.0

Account using method

Console loads private key

The console provides the account generation script (for the script tutorial, please refer to Account Management Document. The generated account file is in the accounts directory, and the account file loaded by console must be placed in the directory.

The console startup methods are as follows:

./ groupID
./ groupID -pem pemName
./ groupID -p12 p12Name
Default start

The console randomly generates an account that is started with the group number specified in the console configuration file.

Specify group number to start

The console randomly generates an account that is started with the group number specified on the command line.

./ 2
  • Note: The specified group needs to configure ‘bean’ in the console configuration file.

Start with PEM format private key file
  • Start with the account of the specified pem file, enter the parameters: group number, -pem, and pem file path

./ 1 -pem accounts/0xebb824a1122e587b17701ed2e512d8638dfb9c88.pem
Start with PKCS12 format private key file
  • Start with the account of the specified p12 file, enter the parameters: group number, -p12, and p12 file path

./ 1 -p12 accounts/0x5ef4df1b156bc9f077ee992a283c2dbb0bf045c0.p12
Enter Export Password:

Console command


Enter help or h to see all the commands on the console.

[group:1]> help
* help([-h, -help, --h, --H, --help, -H, h])  Provide help information
* addObserver                               Add an observer node
* addSealer                                 Add a sealer node
* call                                      Call a contract by a function and parameters
* callByCNS                                 Call a contract by a function and parameters by CNS
* create                                    Create table by sql
* delete                                    Remove records by sql
* deploy                                    Deploy a contract on blockchain
* deployByCNS                               Deploy a contract on blockchain by CNS
* desc                                      Description table information
* quit([quit, q, exit])                     Quit console
* freezeAccount                             Freeze the account
* freezeContract                            Freeze the contract
* generateGroup                             Generate a group for the specified node
* generateGroupFromFile                     Generate group according to the specified file
* getAccountStatus                          GetAccountStatus of the account
* getAvailableConnections                   Get the connection information of the nodes connected with the sdk
* getBatchReceiptsByBlockHashAndRange       Get batched transaction receipts according to block hash and the transaction range
* getBatchReceiptsByBlockNumberAndRange     Get batched transaction receipts according to block number and the transaction range
* getBlockByHash                            Query information about a block by hash
* getBlockByNumber                          Query information about a block by number
* getBlockHashByNumber                      Query block hash by block number
* getBlockHeaderByHash                      Query information about a block header by hash
* getBlockHeaderByNumber                    Query information about a block header by block number
* getBlockNumber                            Query the number of most recent block
* getCode                                   Query code at a given address
* getConsensusStatus                        Query consensus status
* getContractStatus                         Get the status of the contract
* getCryptoType                             Get the current crypto type
* getCurrentAccount                         Get the current account info
* getDeployLog                              Query the log of deployed contracts
* getGroupConnections                       Get the node information of the group connected to the SDK
* getGroupList                              Query group list
* getGroupPeers                             Query nodeId list for sealer and observer nodes
* getNodeIDList                             Query nodeId list for all connected nodes
* getNodeInfo                               Query the specified node information.
* getNodeVersion                            Query the current node version
* getObserverList                           Query nodeId list for observer nodes.
* getPbftView                               Query the pbft view of node
* getPeers                                  Query peers currently connected to the client
* getPendingTransactions                    Query pending transactions
* getPendingTxSize                          Query pending transactions size
* getSealerList                             Query nodeId list for sealer nodes
* getSyncStatus                             Query sync status
* getSystemConfigByKey                      Query a system config value by key
* getTotalTransactionCount                  Query total transaction count
* getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex         Query information about a transaction by block hash and transaction index position
* getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex       Query information about a transaction by block number and transaction index position
* getTransactionByHash                      Query information about a transaction requested by transaction hash
* getTransactionByHashWithProof             Query the transaction and transaction proof by transaction hash
* getTransactionReceipt                     Query the receipt of a transaction by transaction hash
* getTransactionReceiptByHashWithProof      Query the receipt and transaction receipt proof by transaction hash
* grantCNSManager                           Grant permission for CNS by address
* grantCommitteeMember                      Grant the account committee member
* grantContractStatusManager                Grant contract authorization to the user
* grantContractWritePermission              Grant the account the contract write permission.
* grantDeployAndCreateManager               Grant permission for deploy contract and create user table by address
* grantNodeManager                          Grant permission for node configuration by address
* grantOperator                             Grant the account operator
* grantSysConfigManager                     Grant permission for system configuration by address
* grantUserTableManager                     Grant permission for user table by table name and address
* insert                                    Insert records by sql
* listAbi                                   List functions and events info of the contract.
* listAccount                               List the current saved account list
* listCNSManager                            Query permission information for CNS
* listCommitteeMembers                      List all committee members
* listContractStatusManager                 List the authorization of the contract
* listContractWritePermission               Query the account list which have write permission of the contract.
* listDeployAndCreateManager                Query permission information for deploy contract and create user table
* listDeployContractAddress                 List the contractAddress for the specified contract
* listNodeManager                           Query permission information for node configuration
* listOperators                             List all operators
* listSysConfigManager                      Query permission information for system configuration
* listUserTableManager                      Query permission for user table information
* loadAccount                               Load account for the transaction signature
* newAccount                                Create account
* queryCNS                                  Query CNS information by contract name and contract version
* queryCommitteeMemberWeight                Query the committee member weight
* queryGroupStatus                          Query the status of the specified group of the specified node
* queryThreshold                            Query the threshold
* queryVotesOfMember                        Query votes of a committee member.
* queryVotesOfThreshold                     Query votes of updateThreshold operation
* recoverGroup                              Recover the specified group of the specified node
* registerCNS                               RegisterCNS information for the given contract
* removeGroup                               Remove the specified group of the specified node
* removeNode                                Remove a node
* revokeCNSManager                          Revoke permission for CNS by address
* revokeCommitteeMember                     Revoke the account from committee member
* revokeContractStatusManager               Revoke contract authorization to the user
* revokeContractWritePermission             Revoke the account the contract write permission
* revokeDeployAndCreateManager              Revoke permission for deploy contract and create user table by address
* revokeNodeManager                         Revoke permission for node configuration by address
* revokeOperator                            Revoke the operator
* revokeSysConfigManager                    Revoke permission for system configuration by address
* revokeUserTableManager                    Revoke permission for user table by table name and address
* switch([s])                               Switch to a specific group by group ID
* select                                    Select records by sql
* setSystemConfigByKey                      Set a system config value by key
* startGroup                                Start the specified group of the specified node
* stopGroup                                 Stop the specified group of the specified node
* unfreezeAccount                           Unfreeze the account
* unfreezeContract                          Unfreeze the contract
* update                                    Update records by sql
* updateCommitteeMemberWeight               Update the committee member weight
* updateThreshold                           Update the threshold

**Note: **

  • help shows the meaning of each command: command and command description

  • for instructions on how to use specific commands, enter the command -h or --help to view them. E.g:

[group:1]> getBlockByNumber -h
Query information about a block by block number.
Usage: getBlockByNumber blockNumber [boolean]
blockNumber -- Integer of a block number, from 0 to 2147483647.
boolean -- (optional) If true it returns the full transaction objects, if false only the hashes of the transactions.


To run switch or s to switch to the specified group. The group number is displayed in front of the command prompt.

[group:1]> switch 2
Switched to group 2.


**Note: ** For the group that needs to be switched, make sure that the information of the group is configured in applicationContext.xml (the initial state of this configuration file only provides the group 1 configuration) in the console/conf directory, the configured node ID and port in the group are correct, and the node is running normally.


To run getBlockNumber to view block number.

[group:1]> getBlockNumber


To run getSealerList to view the list of consensus nodes.

[group:1]> getSealerList


To run getSealerList to view the list of observer nodes.

[group:1]> getObserverList


To run getNodeIDList to view the nodes and the list of nodeIds connected to p2p nodes.

[group:1]> getNodeIDList


To run getPbftView to view the pbft viewgraph.

[group:1]> getPbftView


To run getConsensusStatus to view the consensus status.

[group:1]> getConsensusStatus


To run getSyncStatus to view the synchronization status.

[group:1]> getSyncStatus


To run getNodeVersion to view the node version.

[group:1]> getNodeVersion
    "Build Time":"20200619 06:32:10",
    "Build Type":"Linux/clang/Release",
    "Chain Id":"1",
    "FISCO-BCOS Version":"2.5.0",
    "Git Branch":"HEAD",
    "Git Commit Hash":"72c6d770e5cf0f4197162d0e26005ec03d30fcfe",
    "Supported Version":"2.5.0"


To run getPeers to view the peers of node.

[group:1]> getPeers





To run getGroupPeers to view the list of consensus and observer node of the group where the node is located.

[group:1]> getGroupPeers


To run getGroupList to view the list of group:

[group:1]> getGroupList


Run getBlockHeaderByHash to query the block header information based on the block hash.


  • Block hash: the hash value of the block starting with 0x

  • Signature list flag: The default is false, that is, the block signature list information is not displayed in the block header information, and if set to true, the block signature list is displayed.

[group:1]> getBlockHeaderByHash 0x99576e7567d258bd6426ddaf953ec0c953778b2f09a078423103c6555aa4362d



Run getBlockHeaderByNumber to query the block header information according to the block height. parameter:

  • Block height

  • Signature list flag: The default is false, that is, the block signature list information is not displayed in the block header information, and if set to true, the block signature list is displayed.

[group:1]> getBlockHeaderByNumber 1 true



To run getBlockByHash to view block information according to the block hash. Parameter:

  • Block hash: The hash starting with 0x.

  • Transaction sign: to set it false by default, the transaction in the block only displays the hash. To set it true, it displays the transaction specific information.

[group:1]> getBlockByHash 0xf6afbcc3ec9eb4ac2c2829c2607e95ea0fa1be914ca1157436b2d3c5f1842855

[group:1]> getBlockByHash 0xf6afbcc3ec9eb4ac2c2829c2607e95ea0fa1be914ca1157436b2d3c5f1842855 true



To run getBlockByNumber to view block information according to the block number. Parameter:

  • Block number: decimal integer.

  • Transaction sign: to set it false by default, the transaction in the block only displays the hash. To set it true, it displays the transaction specific information.

[group:1]> getBlockByNumber 1



To run getBlockHashByNumber to get hash through block number Parameter:

  • Block number: decimal integer.

[group:1]> getBlockHashByNumber 1


To run getTransactionByHash to check the transaction information through transaction hash. Parameter:

  • Transaction hash: the transaction hash starting with 0x.

[group:1]> getTransactionByHash 0xed82e2cda98db8614677aba1fa8a795820bd7f68a5919a2f85018ba8c10952ac


To run getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex to inquire transaction information through block hash and transaction index. Parameter:

  • Block hash: the transaction hash starting with 0x.

  • Transaction index: decimal integer.

[group:1]> getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex 0x77e5b6d799edabaeae654ac5cea9baacd6f8e7ace33531d40c7ed65192de1f02 0


To run getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex to inquire transaction information through block number and transaction index. Parameter:

  • Block number: decimal integer.

  • Transaction index: decimal integer.

[group:1]> getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex 2 0


To run getTransactionReceipt to inquire transaction receipt through transaction hash. Parameter:

  • Transaction hash: the transaction hash starting with 0x.

[group:1]> getTransactionReceipt 0x6393c74681f14ca3972575188c2d2c60d7f3fb08623315dbf6820fc9dcc119c1


To run getPendingTransactions to inquire the transactions waiting to be processed.

[group:1]> getPendingTransactions


To run getPendingTxSize to inquire the number of transactions waiting to be processed.

[group:1]> getPendingTxSize


To run getCode to inquire contract code according contract address. Parameter:

  • Contract address: The contract address starting with 0x(To deploy contract can get contract address).

[group:1]> getCode 0x97b8c19598fd781aaeb53a1957ef9c8acc59f705


To run getTotalTransactionCount to inquire the current block number and the total number of transaction.

[group:1]> getTotalTransactionCount


To run deploy to deploy contract. (By default, HelloWorld contract and TableTest.sol are provided for example) Parameter:

  • Contract name: deployment contract name (can be suffixed with .sol). It can name as either HelloWorld or HelloWorld.sol.

# To deploy HelloWorld contract
[group:1]> deploy HelloWorld
contract address:0xb3c223fc0bf6646959f254ac4e4a7e355b50a344

# To deploy TableTest contract
[group:1]> deploy TableTest
contract address:0x3554a56ea2905f366c345bd44fa374757fb4696a


  • For deploying a user-written contract, we just need to place the solidity contract file in the contracts/solidity/ directory of the console root, and then deploy it. Press the tab key to search for the contract name in the contracts/solidity directory.

  • If the contract need to be deployed refers to other contracts or libraries, the reference format is import "./XXX.sol";. The related contracts and libraries are placed in the contracts/solidity/ directory.

  • If contract references the library library, the name of library file must start with Lib string to distinguish between the normal contract and the library file. Library files cannot be deployed and called separately.

  • **Because FISCO BCOS has removed the transfer payment logic of Ethereum, the solidity contract does not support using payable keyword. This keyword will cause the Java contract file converted by solidity contract to fail at compilation. **


Run getDeployLog to query the log information of the contract deployed by current console in the group. The log information includes the time of deployment contract, the group ID, the contract name, and the contract address. parameter:

  • Log number: optional. To return the latest log information according to the expected value entered. When the actual number is less than the expected value, it returns by the actual number. When the expected value is not given, it returns by the latest 20 log information by default.

[group:1]> getDeployLog 2

2019-05-26 08:37:03  [group:1]  HelloWorld            0xc0ce097a5757e2b6e189aa70c7d55770ace47767
2019-05-26 08:37:45  [group:1]  TableTest             0xd653139b9abffc3fe07573e7bacdfd35210b5576

[group:1]> getDeployLog 1

2019-05-26 08:37:45  [group:1]  TableTest             0xd653139b9abffc3fe07573e7bacdfd35210b5576

Note: If you want to see all the deployment contract log information, please check the deploylog.txt file in the console directory. The file only stores the log records of the last 10,000 deployment contracts.


To run call to call contract. Parameter:

  • Contract name: the contract name of the deployment (can be suffixed with .sol).

  • Contract address: the address obtained by the deployment contract. The contract address can omit the prefix 0. For example, 0x000ac78 can be abbreviated as 0xac78.

  • Contract interface name: the called interface name.

  • Parameter: determined by contract interface parameters.

**Parameters are separated by spaces; array parameters need to be enclosed in brackets, such as [1,2,3]; array is a string or byte type and needs to be enclosed in double quotation marks, such as [“alice”, “bob”]. Note that there are no spaces in the array parameters; boolean types are true or false. **

# To call the get interface of HelloWorld to get the name string
[group:1]> call HelloWorld 0x175b16a1299c7af3e2e49b97e68a44734257a35e get
Return code: 0
description: transaction executed successfully
Return message: Success
Return values:

# To call the set interface of HelloWorld to set the name string
[group:1]> call HelloWorld 0x175b16a1299c7af3e2e49b97e68a44734257a35e set "Hello, FISCO BCOS"
transaction hash: 0x54b7bc73e3b57f684a6b49d2fad41bd8decac55ce021d24a1f298269e56f1ce1
transaction status: 0x0
description: transaction executed successfully
Receipt message: Success
Return message: Success
Event logs
Event: {}

# To call the get interface of HelloWorld to get the name string for checking whether the settings take effect
[group:1]> call HelloWorld 0x175b16a1299c7af3e2e49b97e68a44734257a35e get
Return code: 0
description: transaction executed successfully
Return message: Success
Return values:
    "Hello,FISCO BCOS"

# To call the insert interface of TableTest to insert the record, the fields are name, item_id, item_name
[group:1]> call TableTest 0x5f248ad7e917cddc5a4d408cf18169d19c0990e5 insert "fruit" 1 "apple"
transaction hash: 0x64bfab495dc1f50c58d219b331df5a47577aa8afc16be926260238a9b0ec0fbb
transaction status: 0x0
description: transaction executed successfully
Receipt message: Success
Return message: Success
Event logs
Event: {"InsertResult":[1]}

# To call TableTest's select interface to inquiry records
[group:1]> [group:1]> call TableTest 0x5f248ad7e917cddc5a4d408cf18169d19c0990e5 select "fruit"
Return code: 0
description: transaction executed successfully
Return message: Success
Return values:

Note: TableTest.sol contract codeReference here


Run deployByCNS and deploy the contract with CNS. Contracts deployed with CNS can be called directly with the contract name.


  • Contract name: deployable contract name.

  • Contract version number: deployable contract version number.

# To deploy HelloWorld contract 1.0 version
[group:1]> deployByCNS HelloWorld 1.0
contract address:0x3554a56ea2905f366c345bd44fa374757fb4696a

# To deploy HelloWorld contract 2.0 version
[group:1]> deployByCNS HelloWorld 2.0
contract address:0x07625453fb4a6459cbf14f5aa4d574cae0f17d92

# To deploy TableTest contract
[group:1]> deployByCNS TableTest 1.0
contract address:0x0b33d383e8e93c7c8083963a4ac4a58b214684a8


  • For deploying the contracts compiled by users only needs to place the solidity contract file in the contracts/solidity/ directory of the console root and to deploy it. Press tab key to search for the contract name in the contracts/solidity/ directory.

  • If the contract to be deployed references other contracts or libraries, the reference format is import "./XXX.sol";. The related contract and library are placed in the contracts/solidity/ directory.

  • **Because FISCO BCOS has removed the transfer payment logic of Ethereum, the solidity contract does not support using payable keyword. This keyword will cause the Java contract file converted by solidity contract to fail at compilation. **


Run queryCNS and query the CNS table record information (the mapping of contract name and contract address) according to the contract name and contract version number (optional parameter).


  • Contract name: deployable contract name.

  • Contract version number: (optional) deployable contract version number.

[group:1]> queryCNS HelloWorld.sol
|                   version                   |                   address                   |
|                     1.0                     | 0x3554a56ea2905f366c345bd44fa374757fb4696a  |

[group:1]> queryCNS HelloWorld 1.0
|                   version                   |                   address                   |
|                     1.0                     | 0x3554a56ea2905f366c345bd44fa374757fb4696a  |


To run deployByCNS and deploy the contract with CNS. Parameter:

  • Contract name and contract version number: The contract name and contract version number are separated by colon, such as HelloWorld:1.0 or HelloWorld.sol:1.0. When the contract version number is omitted like HelloWorld or HelloWorld.sol, the latest version of the contract is called.

  • Contract interface name: The called contract interface name.

  • Parameter: is determined by the parameter of contract interface. The parameters are separated by spaces, where the string and byte type parameters need to be enclosed in double quotation marks; the array parameters need to be enclosed in brackets, such as [1, 2, 3]. The array is a string or byte type with double quotation marks such as [“alice”, “bob”]; the boolean type is true or false.

# To call the HelloWorld contract 1.0 version to set the name string by the set interface
[group:1]> callByCNS HelloWorld:1.0 set "Hello,CNS"
transaction hash:0x80bb37cc8de2e25f6a1cdcb6b4a01ab5b5628082f8da4c48ef1bbc1fb1d28b2d

# To call the HelloWorld contract 2.0 version to set the name string by the set interface
[group:1]> callByCNS HelloWorld:2.0 set "Hello,CNS2"
transaction hash:0x43000d14040f0c67ac080d0179b9499b6885d4a1495d3cfd1a79ffb5f2945f64

# To call the HelloWorld contract 1.0 version to get the name string by the get interface
[group:1]> callByCNS HelloWorld:1.0 get

# To call the HelloWorld contract 2.0 version to get the name string by the get interface
[group:1]> callByCNS HelloWorld get


To run addSealer to add the node as a consensus node. Parameter:

  • node’s nodeId

[group:1]> addSealer ea2ca519148cafc3e92c8d9a8572b41ea2f62d0d19e99273ee18cccd34ab50079b4ec82fe5f4ae51bd95dd788811c97153ece8c05eac7a5ae34c96454c4d3123


To run addObserver to add the node as an observed node. Parameter:

  • node’s nodeId

[group:1]> addObserver ea2ca519148cafc3e92c8d9a8572b41ea2f62d0d19e99273ee18cccd34ab50079b4ec82fe5f4ae51bd95dd788811c97153ece8c05eac7a5ae34c96454c4d3123


To run removeNode to exit the node. The exit node can be added as a consensus node by the addSealer command or can be added as an observation node by the addObserver command. Parameter:

  • node’s nodeId

[group:1]> removeNode ea2ca519148cafc3e92c8d9a8572b41ea2f62d0d19e99273ee18cccd34ab50079b4ec82fe5f4ae51bd95dd788811c97153ece8c05eac7a5ae34c96454c4d3123


To run setSystemConfigByKey to set the system configuration in key-value pairs. The currently system configuration supports tx_count_limit, tx_gas_limit, rpbft_epoch_sealer_num and rpbft_epoch_block_num. The key name of these two configuration can be complemented by the tab key:

  • tx_count_limit: block maximum number of packaged transactions

  • tx_gas_limit: The maximum number of gas allowed to be consumed

  • rpbft_epoch_sealer_num: rPBFT system configuration, the number of consensus nodes selected in a consensus epoch

  • rpbft_epoch_block_num: rPBFT system configuration, number of blocks generated in one consensus epoch

  • consensus_timeout: During the PBFT consensus process, the timeout period for each block execution, the default is 3s, the unit is seconds


  • key

  • value

[group:1]> setSystemConfigByKey tx_count_limit 100


To run getSystemConfigByKe to inquire the value of the system configuration according to the key. Parameter:

  • key

[group:1]> getSystemConfigByKey tx_count_limit


Run grantUserTableManager to grant the account to write to the user table.


  • table name

  • account address

[group:1]> grantUserTableManager t_test 0xc0d0e6ccc0b44c12196266548bec4a3616160e7d


Run listUserTableManager to query the account’s table that has writing permission to the user table.


  • table name

[group:1]> listUserTableManager t_test
|                   address                   |                 enable_num                  |
| 0xc0d0e6ccc0b44c12196266548bec4a3616160e7d  |                      2                      |


Run revokeUserTableManager to revoke the account’s writing permission from the user table.


  • table name

  • account address

[group:1]> revokeUserTableManager t_test 0xc0d0e6ccc0b44c12196266548bec4a3616160e7d


Run grantDeployAndCreateManager to grant the account’s permission of deployment contract and user table creation.


  • account address

[group:1]> grantDeployAndCreateManager 0xc0d0e6ccc0b44c12196266548bec4a3616160e7d


Run listDeployAndCreateManager to query the account’s permission of deployment contract and user table creation.

[group:1]> listDeployAndCreateManager
|                   address                   |                 enable_num                  |
| 0xc0d0e6ccc0b44c12196266548bec4a3616160e7d  |                      2                      |


Run revokeDeployAndCreateManager to revoke the account’s permission of deployment contract and user table creation.


  • account address

[group:1]> revokeDeployAndCreateManager 0xc0d0e6ccc0b44c12196266548bec4a3616160e7d


Run grantNodeManager to grant the account’s node management permission.


  • account address

[group:1]> grantNodeManager 0xc0d0e6ccc0b44c12196266548bec4a3616160e7d


Run the listNodeManager to query the list of accounts that have node management.

[group:1]> listNodeManager
|                   address                   |                 enable_num                  |
| 0xc0d0e6ccc0b44c12196266548bec4a3616160e7d  |                      2                      |


Run revokeNodeManager to revoke the account’s node management permission.


  • account address

[group:1]> revokeNodeManager 0xc0d0e6ccc0b44c12196266548bec4a3616160e7d


Run grantCNSManager to grant the account’s permission of using CNS. parameter:

  • account address

[group:1]> grantCNSManager 0xc0d0e6ccc0b44c12196266548bec4a3616160e7d


Run listCNSManager to query the list of accounts that have CNS.

[group:1]> listCNSManager
|                   address                   |                 enable_num                  |
| 0xc0d0e6ccc0b44c12196266548bec4a3616160e7d  |                      2                      |


Run revokeCNSManager to revoke the account’s permission of using CNS. parameter:

  • account address

[group:1]> revokeCNSManager 0xc0d0e6ccc0b44c12196266548bec4a3616160e7d


Run grantSysConfigManager to grant the account’s permission of modifying system parameter. parameter:

  • account address

[group:1]> grantSysConfigManager 0xc0d0e6ccc0b44c12196266548bec4a3616160e7d


Run listSysConfigManager to query the list of accounts that have modified system parameters.

[group:1]> listSysConfigManager
|                   address                   |                 enable_num                  |
| 0xc0d0e6ccc0b44c12196266548bec4a3616160e7d  |                      2                      |


Run revokeSysConfigManager to revoke the account’s permission of modifying system parameter. parameter:

  • account address

[group:1]> revokeSysConfigManager 0xc0d0e6ccc0b44c12196266548bec4a3616160e7d


Run grantContractWritePermissio to grant the account the contract write permission. parameters:

  • contract address

  • account address

[group:1]> grantContractWritePermission 0xc0ce097a5757e2b6e189aa70c7d55770ace47767 0xc0d0e6ccc0b44c12196266548bec4a3616160e7d


Run listContractWritePermission to query the account list which have write permission of the contract. parameters:

  • contract address

[group:1]> listContractWritePermission 0xc0ce097a5757e2b6e189aa70c7d55770ace47767
|                   address                   |                 enable_num                  |
| 0xc0d0e6ccc0b44c12196266548bec4a3616160e7d  |                     11                      |


Run revokeContractWritePermission to Revoke the account the contract write permission. parameters:

  • 合约地址

  • account address

[group:1]> revokeContractWritePermission 0xc0ce097a5757e2b6e189aa70c7d55770ace47767 0xc0d0e6ccc0b44c12196266548bec4a3616160e7d


To run quit, q or exit to exit the console.


[create sql]

Run create sql statement to create a user table in mysql statement form.

# Create user table t_demo whose primary key is name and other fields are item_id and item_name
[group:1]> create table t_demo(name varchar, item_id varchar, item_name varchar, primary key(name))
Create 't_demo' Ok.


  • The field types for creating table are all string types. Even if other field types of the database are provided, the field types have to be set according to the string type.

  • The primary key field must be specified. For example, to create a t_demo table with the primary key field as name.

  • The primary key of the table has different concept from the primary key in the relational database. Here, the value of the primary key is not unique, and the primary key value needs to be passed when the blockchain underlying platform is handling records.

  • You can specify the field as the primary key, but the setting fields such as self-incrementing, non-empty, indexing, etc do not work.


Run desc statement to query the field information of the table in mysql statement form.

# query the field information of the t_demo table. you can view the primary key name and other field names of the table.

[group:1]> desc t_demo

[insert sql]

Run insert sql statement to insert the record in the mysql statement form.

[group:1]> insert into t_demo (name, item_id, item_name) values (fruit, 1, apple1)
Insert OK, 1 row affected.


  • must insert a record sql statement with the primary key field value of the table.

  • The enter values with punctuation, spaces, or strings containing letters starting with a number requires double quotation marks, and no more double quotation marks are allowed inside.

[select sql]

Run select sql statement to query the record in mysql statement form.

# query the records contain all fields
select * from t_demo where name = fruit
{item_id=1, item_name=apple1, name=fruit}
1 row in set.

# query the records contain the specified fields
[group:1]> select name, item_id, item_name from t_demo where name = fruit
{name=fruit, item_id=1, item_name=apple1}
1 row in set.

# insert a new record
[group:1]> insert into t_demo values (fruit, 2, apple2)
Insert OK, 1 row affected.

# use the keyword 'and' to connect multiple query condition
[group:1]> select * from t_demo where name = fruit and item_name = apple2
{item_id=2, item_name=apple2, name=fruit}
1 row in set.

# use limit field to query the first line of records. If the offset is not provided, it is 0 by default.
[group:1]> select * from t_demo where name = fruit limit 1
{item_id=1, item_name=apple1, name=fruit}
1 row in set.

# use limit field to query the second line record. The offset is 1
[group:1]> select * from t_demo where name = fruit limit 1,1
{item_id=2, item_name=apple2, name=fruit}
1 rows in set.


  • For querying the statement recording sql, the primary key field value of the table in the where clause must be provided.

  • The limit field in the relational database can be used. Providing two parameters which are offset and count.

  • The where clause only supports the keyword ‘and’. Other keywords like ‘or’, ‘in’, ‘like’, ‘inner’, ‘join’, ‘union’, subquery, multi-table joint query, and etc. are not supported.

  • The enter values with punctuation, spaces, or strings containing letters starting with a number requires double quotation marks, and no more double quotation marks are allowed inside.

[update sql]

Run update sql statement to update the record in mysql statement form.

[group:1]> update t_demo set item_name = orange where name = fruit and item_id = 1
Update OK, 1 row affected.


  • For updating the where clause of recording sql statement, the primary key field value of the table in the where clause must be provided.

  • The enter values with punctuation, spaces, or strings containing letters starting with a number requires double quotation marks, and no more double quotation marks are allowed inside.

[delete sql]

Run delete sql statement to delete the record in mysql statement form.

[group:1]> delete from t_demo where name = fruit and item_id = 1
Remove OK, 1 row affected.


  • For deleting the where clause of recording sql statement, the primary key field value of the table in the where clause must be provided.

  • The enter values with punctuation, spaces, or strings containing letters starting with a number requires double quotation marks, and no more double quotation marks are allowed inside.


The executing of the freezeContract/unfreezeContract/grantContractStatusManager commands for contract management should specify the private key to start the console for permission.This private key is also the account private key used to deploy the specified contract. So a private key should be specified to launch the console when deploying the contract.


Run freezeContract to freeze contract according contract address. Parameter:

  • Contract address: To deploy contract can get contract address. The prefix of 0x is not necessary.

[group:1]> freezeContract 0xcc5fc5abe347b7f81d9833f4d84a356e34488845


Run unfreezeContract to unfreeze contract according contract address. Parameter:

  • Contract address: To deploy contract can get contract address. The prefix of 0x is not necessary.

[group:1]> unfreezeContract 0xcc5fc5abe347b7f81d9833f4d84a356e34488845


Run grantCNSManager to grant the account’s permission of contract status managememt. Parameter:

  • Contract address: To deploy contract can get contract address. The prefix of 0x is not necessary.

  • Account address: tx.origin. The prefix of 0x is not necessary.

[group:1]> grantContractStatusManager 0x30d2a17b6819f0d77f26dd3a9711ae75c291f7f1 0x965ebffc38b309fa706b809017f360d4f6de909a


Run revokeContractStatusManager to revoke the contract management authority of the specified authority account for the specified contract. parameter:

  • Contract address: The contract address can be obtained by deploying the contract, and the 0x prefix is not required.

  • Account address: tx.origin, where 0x prefix is optional.

[group:1]> revokeContractStatusManager 0x30d2a17b6819f0d77f26dd3a9711ae75c291f7f1 0x965ebffc38b309fa706b809017f360d4f6de909a


To run getContractStatus to query contract status according contract address. Parameter:

  • Contract address: To deploy contract can get contract address. The prefix of 0x is not necessary.

[group:1]> getContractStatus 0xcc5fc5abe347b7f81d9833f4d84a356e34488845
The contract is available.


To run listContractStatusManager to query a list of authorized accounts that can manage a specified contract. Parameter:

  • Contract address: To deploy contract can get contract address. The prefix of 0x is not necessary.

[group:1]> listContractStatusManager 0x30d2a17b6819f0d77f26dd3a9711ae75c291f7f1


grant account with Committee Member permission. Parameters:

  • account address

[group:1]> grantCommitteeMember 0x61d88abf7ce4a7f8479cff9cc1422bef2dac9b9a


revoke account’s Committee Member permission, parameters:

  • account address

[group:1]> revokeCommitteeMember 0x61d88abf7ce4a7f8479cff9cc1422bef2dac9b9a


[group:1]> listCommitteeMembers
|                   address                   |                 enable_num                  |
| 0x61d88abf7ce4a7f8479cff9cc1422bef2dac9b9a  |                      1                      |
| 0x85961172229aec21694d742a5bd577bedffcfec3  |                      2                      |


vote to modify the votes threshold, Parameters:

  • threshold:[0,99]

[group:1]> updateThreshold 75


query votes threshold

[group:1]> queryThreshold
Effective threshold : 50%


[group:1]> queryCommitteeMemberWeight 0x61d88abf7ce4a7f8479cff9cc1422bef2dac9b9a
Account: 0x61d88abf7ce4a7f8479cff9cc1422bef2dac9b9a Weight: 1


update Committee Member’s votes. Parameters:

  • account address

  • votes

[group:1]> updateCommitteeMemberWeight 0x61d88abf7ce4a7f8479cff9cc1422bef2dac9b9a 2


grantOperator, committee member’s permission, parameters:

  • account address

[group:1]> grantOperator 0x283f5b859e34f7fd2cf136c07579dcc72423b1b2


revokeOperator, committee member’s permission, parameters:

  • account address

[group:1]> revokeOperator 0x283f5b859e34f7fd2cf136c07579dcc72423b1b2


list address who has operator permission。

[group:1]> listOperators
|                   address                   |                 enable_num                  |
| 0x283f5b859e34f7fd2cf136c07579dcc72423b1b2  |                      1                      |


Query the voting status of updateThreshold:

[group:1]> queryVotesOfThreshold
The votes of the updateThreshold operation : {"0.100000":[{"block_limit":"10002","origin":"0x2eb1be0f52c0d00f9594a021240ea7fb027d7485"}]}


Query the voting status of the designated account being elected as a committee member. If no committee member votes, it will return null:

  • Account address: The account address being queried

[group:1]> queryVotesOfMember 0xc398d318662aa19487c405a45267ecd60115adec
queried account: 0xc398d318662aa19487c405a45267ecd60115adec


Run freezeAccount to freeze account according account address. Parameter:

  • account address: tx.origin. The prefix of 0x is necessary.

[group:1]> freezeAccount 0xcc5fc5abe347b7f81d9833f4d84a356e34488845


Run unfreezeAccount to unfreeze account according account address. Parameter:

  • account address: tx.origin. The prefix of 0x is necessary.

[group:1]> unfreezeAccount 0xcc5fc5abe347b7f81d9833f4d84a356e34488845


Run getAccountStatus to get status of the account according account address. Parameter:

  • account address: tx.origin. The prefix of 0x is necessary.

[group:1]> getAccountStatus 0xcc5fc5abe347b7f81d9833f4d84a356e34488845
The account is available.


Get the current account address.

[group:1]> getCurrentAccount


Get the type of the node ledger and SSL protocol that the current console is connected to.


  • The OSCCA-approved cryptography ledger type is ECDSA, the OSCCA-approved cryptography ledger type is SM

  • The OpenSSL protocol type is ECDSA, and the OSCCA-approved cryptography SSL protocol type is SM

[group:1]> getCryptoType
ledger crypto type: ECDSA
ssl crypto type: ECDSA


Get the node connection information of the SDK connection.

[group:1]> getAvailableConnections


From the list of nodes connected to the SDK, filter out the node list information that starts the console currently logged in to the group.

[group:1]> getGroupConnections


Dynamically create a new group for the specified node, parameters:

  • endPoint: The IP:Port of the blockchain node receiving the request for creating a new group. The information of all the nodes IP:Port connected by the SDK can be obtained through the command getAvailableConnections;

  • groupId: The newly created group ID;

  • timestamp: The timestamp of the genesis block of the newly created group, can be obtained by the command echo $(($(date'+%s')*1000));

  • sealerList: The consensus node list of the newly created group, separated by spaces between multiple consensus node IDs。

An example of creating a new group 2 for the blockchain nodes listening on the port 20200 of this machine is as follows:

# Get timestamp
$ echo $(($(date '+%s')*1000))
[group:1]> generateGroup 2 1590586645000 b8acb51b9fe84f88d670646be36f31c52e67544ce56faf3dc8ea4cf1b0ebff0864c6b218fdcd9cf9891ebd414a995847911bd26a770f429300085f37e1131f36
    message='Group 2 generated successfully',


Create a new group for the specified node list through the new group configuration file. The configuration file specifies the need to create the group node list, the consensus list of the new group, and the creation block timestamp. The group configuration example is group-generate-config. toml is as follows:

# The peers to generate the group
peers=["", ""]

# The consensus configuration of the generated group
# The sealerList

# The genesis timestamp, It is recommended to set to the current utcTime, which must be greater than 0
timestamp = "1590586645000"

The parameters of the generateGroupFromFile command include:

-groupConfigFilePath: group configuration file path, console conf/group-generate-config.toml is the provided group configuration file template, users can copy and modify the configuration template according to the actual scene, and load the modified Group configuration file;

-groupId: The newly created group ID.

[group:1]> generateGroupFromFile conf/group-generate-config.toml 3
* Result of
    message='Group 3 generated successfully',
* Result of
    message='Group 3 generated successfully',


Start the group for the specified node, parameters:

  • endPoint: The IP:Port of the blockchain node receiving the request for start a new group. The information of all the nodes IP:Port connected by the SDK can be obtained through the command getAvailableConnections;

  • groupId: The ID of the group to start.

An example of the console command to start group 2 is as follows:

# Get current group list
[group:1]> getGroupList
[group:1]> startGroup 2
    message='Group 2 started successfully',
# After group 2 of 20200 is successfully started, group 2 is added to the group list
[group:1]> getGroupList
[1, 2]


Stop the group for the specified node, parameters:

  • endPoint: The IP:Port of the blockchain node receiving the request for stop a new group. The information of all the nodes IP:Port connected by the SDK can be obtained through the command getAvailableConnections;

  • groupId: The ID of the group to stop.

An example of the console command to stop group 2 is as follows:

# Get current group list
[group:1]> getGroupList
[1, 2]
[group:1]> stopGroup 2
    message='Group 2 stopped successfully',
# After group 2 of 20200 stops successfully, group 2 is removed from the group list
[group:1]> getGroupList


Remove the group for the specified node, parameters:

  • endPoint: The IP:Port of the blockchain node receiving the request for remove a new group. The information of all the nodes IP:Port connected by the SDK can be obtained through the command getAvailableConnections;

  • groupId: The ID of the group to remove.

An example of the console command to delete group 2 is as follows:

# Delete group 2 of
[group:1]> removeGroup 2
    message='Group 2 deleted successfully',
# After deleting group 2 of, try to activate the deleted group, but the activation fails
[group:1]> startGroup 2
    message='Group 2 has been deleted',
[group:1]> getGroupList


Recover the group for the specified node, parameters:

  • endPoint: The IP:Port of the blockchain node receiving the request for recover a new group. The information of all the nodes IP:Port connected by the SDK can be obtained through the command getAvailableConnections;

  • groupId: The ID of the group to recover.

# Get the current group list of
[group:1]> getGroupList
# Recover group 2 at
[group:1]> recoverGroup 2
    message='Group 2 recovered successfully',
# Start group 2 at
[group:1]> startGroup 2
    message='Group 2 started successfully',
# Get the current group list of, add group 2
[group:1]> getGroupList
[1, 2]


Get the batched transaction receipts according to the specified block number and transaction range

  • blockNumber: (required) The number of the block that contains the required transaction receipts

  • from: (optional) The start index of the required transaction receipts (default is 0)

  • count: the count of the required transaction receipts (default fetch all the receipts), when set to -1, return all receipts of the block

[group:1]> getBatchReceiptsByBlockNumberAndRange 1



Get the batched transaction receipts according to the specified block hash and transaction range:

  • blockHash: (required) The hash of the block that contains the required transaction receipts

  • from: (optional) The start index of the required transaction receipts (default is 0)

  • count: (optional) The count of the required transaction receipts (default fetch all the receipts), when set to -1, return all receipts of the block

[group:1]> getBatchReceiptsByBlockHashAndRange 0x5eb495f6fa457dbcaf6323630a257a65a7085e01087421b7191d8efec69da0c0
